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Matic Sever - garden design
In 2012, I was invited for the first time by Borut Benedejčič to contribute to his garden creation at the Chelsea Flower Show in London. Borut had up until then already been awarded a gold medal and aword for the best garden at the Hampton Court Flower Show 2009. Collaborating with him constituted a compelling story in my professional career. After all, he is an horticultural expert from the Karst Region, and the most widely recognized Slovenian garden design giant abroad. Borut invited me to grow perennials from seed for his garden Pepina zgodba (Pepa’s Story). Ultimately, the garden received the second highest recognition, a Silver Gilt Award. Three years later, I reunited with Benedejčič to contribute to another one of his garden design projects, called Vodna postaja (Water Station), also exhibited at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show. I prepared a proposal focusing on herbaceous perennials, and grew them for the event. This garden, too, received the second highest recognition, a Silver Gilt Award.
Since 2009, I have been managing my own nursery in Ljubljana, specializing in perennials. Since then, I have also been writing for several horticultural magazines, supplement publications and newspapers. In addition to writing articles, I dedicate some of my time to writing books. Among them, one in particular should be mentioned, as it was translated for the foreign (French) market and entitled Vivaces sans arrosange (Translator’s Note: Growing perennials without water). In 2016, my career took another major turn, as I became editor-in-chief of the horticultural magazine Rože in vrt (Flowers and Garden).
Hemelrijk, in Belgium2009
Arboretum Kalmthout, in Belgium2012
Chelsea Flower Show in London2016
Editor-in-chief, Rože in vrt magazine
What is my goal? Gain as much knowledge as possible, not just by visiting various gardens and nature, and through copious amounts of reading, but also by nurturing existing and new professional relationships with horticulture experts and gardening enthusiasts. When one decides to receive, it quickly becomes clear that each new acquaintance has something to give. After all, it is not just about the plants. I want to share all the knowledge I have acquired over the years and use my engagement to contribute to a greater general interest for nature and horticulture alike, while also adding something extra to our common “garden culture” and thus spread some joie de vivre.